Depending on your needs, you can rely on Swiftgum Cloud or explore private hosting. Below is an overview of both approaches.

Recommended: Swiftgum Cloud

If you want the quickest path, sign up for Swiftgum Cloud and skip server management.
Sign Up Here

1. Cloud Installation

  1. Sign Up

    • Register on Swiftgum Cloud.
    • Log into your admin dashboard to reveal your x-api-key.
  2. Use the API

    • Swiftgum’s endpoint is fixed (e.g.,, so no custom URL is required.
    • Include your x-api-key header in all requests (see Quick Start for sample code).
  3. Go Live

    • Everything else is handled on Swiftgum Cloud.
    • Head to the Quick Start guide to create portal sessions and manage integrations.

2. Self-Hosted / On-Prem (Optional)

If you require full control over your data and hosting environment, consider on-prem deployment:

  1. Contact Swiftgum

    • We currently offer an enterprise version for on-prem hosting.
    • Email (or your relevant contact) for license details and setup instructions.
  2. Installation Steps (Example)

    • Clone the Repo: Access the private repository your enterprise license grants.
    • Docker-Compose or Kubernetes: Build containers and spin them up locally or in your private cloud.
    • Configuration: In your admin UI (e.g., http://localhost:3000/admin), retrieve an on-prem x-api-key for authenticating your local Swiftgum instance.
  3. Maintenance

    • You control updates, backups, and server scaling.
    • Swiftgum provides occasional patches or new releases that you can pull and redeploy.

Next Steps

After choosing Swiftgum Cloud (recommended) or setting up your on-prem instance, visit the Quick Start to create user sessions and explore integrations. For security details, check out Security & Compliance.